Channel: Stone Builders, Mound Builders and the Giants of Ancient America
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Your Daily Giant 8/22/2013

Today's Daily Giant comes from the Los Angeles Herald, November 4, 1891 page 5. The article reads,

"A mound containing the skeletons of several prehistoric people has been discovered on a farm near Carthage, Ill. The skeletons lay in all conceivable positions and are supposed to be those of warriors who fell in battle. It is believed that the farm is the site of an ancient battlefield. The skeletons are of unusual size and the teeth in the skulls are larger than those of ordinary human beings. The authorities of Carthage college have received permission to explore the cave and a noted antiquarian has been sent for to aid in the investigation."
A common theme in many of these accounts and in Native American oral history is evidence suggesting ancient conflicts and wars that occurred. Intricate defensive works and hilltop forts of earth and stone existed in many states around the Ohio River Valley in ancient times. Many details of these giant skeleton reports point to something that indicates an anthropological mystery beyond the excessive size of the remains. Teeth being larger than those of ordinary human beings is often reported. A difficult thing to explain away because it occurs so often in these reports.
Your Daily Giant  8/22/2013   Today's Daily Giant comes from the Los Angeles Herald, November 4, 1891 page 5. The article reads,   "A mound containing the skeletons of several  prehistoric people has been discovered on a farm near Carthage, Ill. The skeletons lay in all conceivable positions and are supposed to be those of warriors who fell in battle. It is believed that the farm is the site of an ancient battlefield. The skeletons are of unusual size and the teeth in the skulls are larger than those of ordinary human beings. The authorities of Carthage college have received permission to explore the cave and a noted antiquarian has been sent for to aid in the investigation."  A common theme in many of these accounts and in Native American oral history is evidence suggesting ancient conflicts and wars that occurred. Intricate defensive works and hilltop forts of earth and stone existed in many states around the Ohio River Valley in ancient times. Many details of these giant skeleton reports point to something that indicates an anthropological mystery beyond the excessive size of the remains.  Teeth being larger than those of ordinary human beings is often reported. A difficult thing to explain away because it occurs so often in these reports.

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